Which character, theme, setting, or plot event is most interesting or puzzling? How do you connect with this novel?
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I think this book is a good book. The beginning is kind of boring, but it should get interesting towards the middle of the book.
I think this book is really good! I love it so far. It is very discriptive and detailed without being boring. It is very interesting to read and one of the first books I can read without wanting to put it down at the end of class.
ReplyDeleteI agree with both Iana and Florian. I thought the book was really boring at first, but then when they developed the characters more and you find out a little more information and twists, it gets a LOT better. I am excited to read the rest of it. : )
ReplyDeleteSo far I love this book. It really helps me I guess you could say understand a child's mind set for things like this and I think that's really important to understand the deeper meaning of things that go on in the book. I like how the book engages you so much and it's different from other books about the Holocaust because it's from a different point of view and it's sometimes like being in Bruno's head (I love that it's funny). I can't wait to read the end and see what happens in the rest of the book. ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
ReplyDeleteI am glad you are enjoying the book. Sometimes it does take a while to get into a book, but unfortunately some people give up and put the book down before getting to the good stuff! (I am guilty of this too.)
ReplyDeleteThe point of view is definitely important in this book.
If you like this book, you might want to look into other historical fiction titles that include events in history that interest you!
I Agree with all of you guys because the book is really boring at the beginning but i finished the book and i found out that it is SUPER interesting!.The author like cassy said did a great job of developing characters.I would love to see the movie!
ReplyDeletewell i for one like tyree finished the book and it is thus far one of the best books i have read. the author does a great job in developing the character and he has the reader just thinking about the final chapters of the book. i loved it. and tyree i saw the movie. :)
ReplyDeleteI don't like a lot of books set in the past though. Mainly the ones that are in the Holocaust and maybe a war, but not necessarily like from the point of view from a Army General in the middle of war. Then it just gets too political. I like "listening" to it from the view of like a bystander. Then you get what it really felt like not all of the blueprints for fighting.
ReplyDeleteAlmost done with the book though and I love it! Only a couple more chapters to go and I already have a little bit of foreshadowing ideas that are so far making me sad. :( Still excited for the end though!
I agree with Nager. Even though this book is set in the past its a good book to read because its from the perspective of 2 9 year old boys and not old people who rant about war and being superior to others. I connect with Bruno 'cause he is super inquisitive and so am I!
ReplyDeleteWell, I have finished the book and it is abosulutely amazing! Its tear jerking and sweet and just... But I can't wait til everyone finishes! WootWoot for Bruno & Shmuel :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with Renee.
ReplyDeleteThe book was rather emotional towards the end.
And the friendship between Shmuel and Bruno was sweet.
i believe that the overall theme of the novel is that no matter what happens friendship will always stay together. i think that sums up what Bruno and Shmuel had to go through and somethings do come to an end, but in this book they always stayed together. well i think everyone can connect with this theme, since i believe that everyone has a friendship that has lasted through many adversities.
ReplyDeletefavorite part was when Bruno decided to cross.
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ReplyDeleteI've finished the book and it's great the movie was really awesome too! For me Bruno is the character that makes me wonder the most because I mean you would think that a nine year old would be more up to date with the world than Bruno. Also the fact that his dad is a Nazi solider sort of makes it worse that Bruno doesn't know what's going on around him. Maybe he's just too engrossed in his adventure books.
ReplyDeleteThe end of the book is kind of puzziling to me because Shmeul and Bruno go into a dark room and they said nothing was never heard of them again and i know they are dead but that kind of took me a while to figure out :)
ReplyDeleteThe character that is the most puzzling to me is Bruno's father because he doesnt seem like he is the type of person to help cheer up his children and you know he is just strange but its like he is like always there in the story.
ReplyDeleteThis was a really good book. I would reccomend thsi book to anybody. It was really sweet and heartwarming but also sad. Bruno and shmuel's friendship was very sweet like olivia said. It is really touching to see to friends from different sides of the track comet together like that. The most puzzling part of the story though is the out-with part. Like when Bruno would say Out-With, Gretal would be like no Out-With. THat was super confusing and I still don't get that part.
ReplyDeleteAnother character that really puzzling to me is Lt. Koter because while he does seem to talk to people like Mother,Gretel,and Father on occasions he doesnt really ever talk to bruno and i think that he does that because he knows that bruno dislikes him alot.
ReplyDeleteI can connect with this novel because i have had the experience of moving away from people that i love and my best friends like when i move from Clayton County to Cobb County but my parents said that we had know choice and had to wirk with what was best soo i can truly connect with that part of the book.
ReplyDeleteThe part that is most interesting to me is the part when Bruno meets Shmuel because Bruno semms more outgoing then Shmuel so for them to be friends and also be totally opposite is a cool thing and another thing that is interesting about them is that they seemed to clicked when they first met so that is like really cool. I FREAKIN <3 THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!
I forgot to rate the book so but it's like a 10 because it really changes the way I've see things on a daily basis.
ReplyDeleteI would give this book a 10! this was a very amazing and interesting book ! It is one of my all time favorites
ReplyDeletei rate this novel 9 out of 10 since the book really intrigues the reader and makes the reader read even more.
ReplyDeletei saw the movie. it is so good. it is different from the book though. yeah well yeah. the story line was about the same but somethings were changed. what ever happened to PAUVEL?
ReplyDeleteThis book was pretty confusing. Almost every character had their weird moments of confusion. I think that maybe Bruno was definitley the most confusing probably because he was always confused.
ReplyDeleteA big confusion and interest in the book was that the author would "bleep" lots of words and leave out stories that people told Bruno. It made a lot of things awkward but made want to keep reading to see if you figure it out. I love this book!!
I connected with this novel when I had to move and I didn't know anyone. I had to change schools and go from very different environments as well so that was hard. Then I finally made a couple friends so I wasn't relying on old ones. So that was big way that I connected with the book.
ReplyDeleteAnd I love it! : )
This is beginning to be a good book. Its not the best one ive ever read but its still good.
ReplyDeleteFlorian-What is your favorite book?
ReplyDeleteI am glad you enjoyed this book!
ReplyDeleteYou all have some very insightful comments.
If you did not rate the book, please rate it
1-10. Do you think next year's students should read this book? If so, what type of person would enjoy it?
THis book is actually a very good book, but it concludes with a sad and tragic ending. Even though this ending was unexpected, it was well fiting for this book. I rate this book 9.5/10
ReplyDeletewell i jsut started reading the book a little while ago and im at the part now where Bruno is having a conversation with the boy in the striped pajamas.
ReplyDeletei think its very interesting to get a good idea/perspective on the holocaust from the other side of the spectrum (i've always heard about what it was like for the prisoners, this is the first i've ever heard about anything of how it was for the soldiers and everything, ya know? so i really like that. and im soo interested to see how its gonna end.
i rate this a 9
On a scale of 1-10,
ReplyDeleteI rate this book a 9.5.
Compared to the other books that I have read in literature circles before,
ReplyDeletethis is one of the best.
It has a plot that includes friendship, as well as a tragic ending that isn't to be expected.
I also believe that the author does a fantastic job in developing the plot, as well as the characters.
ReplyDeleteEach character has a unique personality that is different from the rest of the characters in the book.
The plot has suprises, along with things that are to be expected.
Has anyone seen the movie? I am hoping to show it during enrichment IF we can get projects presented.
ReplyDeleteOh yea and I rate the book a 9.5/10. It was really awesome and everything a great book should have- it was comical, enlightening, sweet, and shocking. It was good how th author developed the charcaters so you could get of feel of everyone and act everything out in your head. i would definitley recommend you use this book next year. I wouldn't necessarily suggest it to people who only want it for the nonfiction idea and topic because it doesn't include facts so much. Mainly just a good story with a sad setting-but that makes the book.
ReplyDeleteStill love it!