Which character, theme, setting, or plot event is most interesting or puzzling? How do you connect with this novel?
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Rate the book 1-10 and tell WHY. If you do think (or don't think)students should read this book next year, explain what type of person would be interested in this book.
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My group (including Kimmy and Shanty) and I absolutely ADORE the book! When we read it, we tend to even fan-girl, which is really a sight to see.
ReplyDeleteSo far, what I like about the book is that there are so many different twists, turns, and conflicts in the book! You can really connect with Andy; I know we have. He's in total denial about liking Glory. It's so obvious. The book is funny and interesting all way through! I loves it sooooo much! Come on people, let's fan-girl (guys can fan-girl too!!!) about Under the Baseball Moon TOGETHER!!! :'D
Yes Rachel, I totally fan-girl too when reading the book!!! I love how easily I relate to the book. There are so many ways the book could get confusing if the author hadn't written the book so well!! I can't wait to see what happens!! :-)
ReplyDeleteThis is such a great book and it has so many surprizes at every turn. We have talked about so many different possiblities of the book like how it will turn out and why certain things have happened. Love this book!!
ReplyDeleteThis book is absolutely AMAZING =D
ReplyDeleteand just like Rachel said....Shanti, her, and I ADORE the book...
It's so funny how Andy acts so oblivious like ALL the time **smh**
I really wish there where more guys like Andy around **hee hee** =)
I am so glad you love this book! I have witnessed some excellent discussion groups about this book, but that could be due to the fabulous individuals reading it :)
ReplyDeleteDo you think guys would like this book too?
Whoa, this book is absolutely hypnotizing to the eyes! I can't get enough of it. Just like Rachel said, I feel like such a total fan-girl while I'm reading. The book is drawn to me purely by Andy's dream of becoming famous by his music. He and his frinds just love what that they do and have fun doing it. Glory is my second faavorite character by her somewhat clingy exterior to Andy. They totally have a thing for eachother, they JUST DON'T SEE IT!! But still, in time I hope the book is kept fast-paced and full of enthusiasm.
ReplyDelete[Debbie Out*)
this book is too fye so far what i like is like the twists and suprises
ReplyDeleteI definetly think that guys would like this book! Its not just for girls. The book is all around amazing in several different aspects! Guys should read this!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mason in saying that even guys would like the book. It's totally EPIC! Even if they get kinda bored with reading the lovey stuff, the fact that there are so many awesome twists and exciting parts in the story will pull them right on back!!! xD
ReplyDeleteOMG! I finished reading the book and my face was like, :O.
ReplyDeleteThat. Was. Pure. AMAZINGFULNESS!!!
But the very, veeeery end, the little headline thingy, was sort of... I don't know... it seemed out of place for me. It kinda ruined the whole effect of the previous chapter. Did anyone else who finished the book feel that way?
(I'm trying to be ambiguous for those who hadn't finished the book yet, so sorry if I'm a bit unclear.)
Yes!! Rachel!! It had a very weird ending!! It just seemed a littlle off! But in general the book was probably one of my favorites with all the twits and turns laughs and romance!! I know its all corny with me saying all that but it was AMAZING!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI just finished the book and I want to have more. I like the ending though it was a little confusing. I'm guessing guys would like this book, it isn't all that girly really. It is just really enjoyable. I love the book.
ReplyDeleteI give the book a 9. The only reason I don't give it a 10, is because the ending was so off and weird! But overall the book, like I said above, was amazing! Everyone needs to read it because it is just that good!
ReplyDeleteHm, I'd probably rate it accordingly Mason. And for the same reasons as you. x3
ReplyDeleteIdk what to say anymore, since everyone pretty much covered the entire aspect of the book's awesomeness. >w<
Okay so I agree with Mason and Rachel...the book did kinda end like..." WHAT THE....why? " So it only gets a 9...
ReplyDeleteBut, either way the book is AH-MAZE-ING =D
And what was up with Max huh? He reminded me of that old guy from Family Guy...The one that stalks Chris ((I know everyone knows who I'm talking about))
And then him at the end...when he was hiding under the stair case...WHOA?!?!...That part kinda freaked me out a little bit...especially when he was described like after he came in to the light...
I love how they would randomly bust out saying things in spanish...reminds me of myself lol but yeah...If only there were more guys like Andy in this world ;)
Dudes, I agree, this book was So Beatifully AMAZING!!!!! At the end, my eyes were popping out like a cuddlefish and I was smiling like I won a thousand dollars. I haven't read a book that good in MOTHES!! I was so glad that I finally got back into reading, and this book was worth it. Its a bit shocking that it seems as if guys would like this book too, even though it was a bit too girl based for me. But still, I'm with Mason on giving this a 9[.9] because the ending was a bit confusing, though I understood after a while. I think alot of people could connect with Andy and Glory in their own way. You should use this book for next year, it is too good to pass up!!!
ReplyDeleteHahahaha....I just noticed the fact that everytime I finish a comment...I say something about how I wish there were more guys like Andy around/in this world XD
ReplyDeleteI think I'm in LOVE....or maybe just obsessed o.O ...((lol jk jk))
But...that would be pretty awesome...
Yeah, the ending was just kinda... booooo. :'(
ReplyDeleteIt hurts me right here, -pats chest-, when books are so AWESOME, but then their ending just kinda... ruins it. T_T
Man, when the book was over, and I was still holding it at that last page -Pats <3- I was like,
It'd be better if someone died at the end =D hahahahahahahaha Just kidding...The ending was depressing though...it just left you there...like NOOOOO!!! D=
ReplyDeleteLol. I agree with ya Kimmy! :3
ReplyDeleteAndy is like... full of total amazingfulness! He's like... the poster child of... I dunno... The Magazine of AWESOME beautiful TALENTED smexiimen. xD
(About having more guys like Andy)
ReplyDelete"The Magazine of AWESOME beautiful TALENTED smexiimen. xD" That is epicness.,
ReplyDelete[Debbie Out*)
HE'S BEAUTIFUL!!! ((inside and out))
ReplyDeleteI'm going to find a Andy =D ((with a New York "swag"....I hate that word!!....and accent)) lol
Yeah, I know. xD
ReplyDeleteAnd it's so TRUE!!! And you know it!!
Let us go on an ANDY HUNT! >:3 -fan-girl stalker face ACTIVATE!!!-
Just beautiful.., I need a musical mastermind like ANdy too. . . . *races with Kimmy and Rachel, screaming like total fangirl*
ReplyDeleteYAY!!! -Grabs boy hunting gear-
ReplyDeleteLET'S GO!!!
ANDY HUNTERS ....UNITE!!!....tomorrow...((We're the procrastinating club too =D ))
-is equiped with lipgloss, eyeliner, and removable eyelashes- ROLL OUT!!
ReplyDelete-doesn't need anything cause I'm already equipped with awesome stalker ablilities-
ReplyDelete>:'D Let's rock this!!! xD
-4.5 inch heels, LITTLE black dress, straightener, removable finger nails, and hazel contacts- Okay....I'm ready now....awww....I can't run in these heels...Oh well
ReplyDelete-starts strutting- Oh yeaaaahhhh =D
i connect to this novel setting because this book is close to san diego california which is where i am from.
ReplyDeleteWOW. well, i liked the book because of how Andy denies liking Glory, then thinks about her like, A LOT.
ReplyDeleteWow...I want to help stalk!!!
ReplyDeleteSooo, I loved the book, it was really awsome.
I rate it....8-9ish.
Wow, this conversation has gone awry. Bring it back ladies.
ReplyDeleteThe book ending kinda through me off a little, I still love the book. It started out as a relistic fiction then added a few twists and turns until it was a fantasy in my opion. This book is so good, I absoulutely love it!
ReplyDeleteI give this book a 9.5 just because the ending, but that is a small thing so I only took off half a point. Anyways, this is a must read book so read it!
ReplyDeleteI love this book, I love the charecters, plot, and setting. It was very interesting especially when Andy, who knew Glory since he was little, found her after years of being apart. Then he tries to avoid her and finds that they can't be apart from each other. It also had a couple of funny, sad, and mysterious parts. The character who puzzled me the most was Max since he would come out of nowhere and tried to help Andy and his musical career with nothing in return. I can connect with this novel by knowing people who I haven't seen or talked to in years then all of a sudden meeting them and realizing how much they have changed.
ReplyDeleteI think Max was very puzzling to,i kept wondering why he wanted to help Andy, but then I finished the book... ;] So if you haven't finished i won't give it away!!
ReplyDeleteYAY!! stalking =D