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What i like about this book ,is how there are two girls from two different races that get along and tell each other how they feel about the conflict between their races,Israeli and Palestinian.i also like how they don't argue about the conflict.(:
ReplyDeleteI pick this book because i wanted to learn more about Israelis and Palestanian people. Its cool how they are different races and they stil keep in touch with each other, they talk about the intifada, religion and their personal life. they hate each other.....
ReplyDeletewhat i like about this book is that the two girls think differently about the Intafada and they think its stupid how Palestinians cant go to Israelis places and Israelis cant go to Palestinian places. Its amazing how they wouldnt let ethnic cnflicts get in the way of their friendship and how they would still keep in touch with each other*=)
ReplyDeletei like how Odelia and Amal dont really care whtat other people think. They want to be friends and write to each other about their culture and customs. I like understanding each ohters cultutres better and learning more about each other.
ReplyDeleteI love this book, because overcoming these conflicts is so important in real life! I always hope that young people will do a better job then previous generations at uniting all people and allowing a person's true character to determine friendships not their background, religion, or race!
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think?
I picked this book because I thought the meaning was really cool. The introduction and the first few chapters were very boring but it starts to get better when they actually meet and talk. I think the idea of the book is very meaningful.
ReplyDeleteThe book is very interesting because it tells about how two very different girls who are taught different things can give each other a chance and be friends.
ReplyDeleteThis book kinda in a way reflect me and my friends. We are all different and unique in our own way but we don't care about our differences. We give each other a chance. I love meeting peole who are different from me because I learn something new about different custom or religion.
ReplyDeleteOdelia and Amal are very different from each other. Odelia is very outgoing, she can wear clothes that exposes her skin., and she is a jew. Amal is a palestiinian, she is very conservative and quiet, and she has to wear clothes that cover her skin. They are very differnt but they do give each other a chance, especially in their situation.
ReplyDeleteso far, i don't have nothing nice to say about this book. i just know that its not very interesting anymore. but i still like the theme of the book.
ReplyDeletei wonder what caused the israelis and palestanians to be such a rival to each other. what would happen if people from both ethnic group find out the Amal and Odelia are friends?
ReplyDeletehum... would they get punished...??
i like this book because it relates to my life and how i have a jewish friend and my self is palestinian. when i read this book it reminded me of my freind that i met once i went to the middle east.(:
ReplyDeletenothing will happen if the both ethnic groups found out that odelia and amal are freinds and no they wont get punished, atleast i dont think that but i have a freind and she comes visiting at my house and no we dont get punished so im not sure.... good question.
ReplyDeleteI finally finished the book and i really liked this book because it related to my life a lot.(: i like the way these girls had went through this conflict in their life.
ReplyDeleteI really do like the theme of the book.
ReplyDeleteI think Odelia has a great personality, but not so much Amal. I think Amal is being a -----because sometimes she's rude and inconsiderate.
I hope this conflict will end in real life. Its too much pain and suffering. I think both ethnic group should come together and solve this problem because too many innocent people are dying.
ReplyDeleteThis book is really good... I think the topic was very interesting. I think what caused such rivalry between the Israelis and Palestinians was land. I mean in the book Amal exlplains that her and her people would really like to travel through the country freely without being stopped.
ReplyDeleteI would rate this book as a 4 or a 5.
ReplyDeleteThe author repeats things alot and some of the passage was really boring.
I liked when both Amal and Odelia talked about how much they loved Jerusalem. They both share their honest opinions, and niether of them get really mad. Thats really cool.
ReplyDeletewell, im close to finishing the book and it is kinda interesting. I still love the theme of the book because I have a palestinian friend (Reem *=)) and we have a good relationship as friends, but I can just imagine going through what Amal and Odelia are going through. If I would rate this book from 1 to 10, i would give it a 6.
ReplyDeleteAt the beginning of the book (the intro.) I agree it was a bit boring, but once you read on you could begin to understand what the whole topic of the book is about and what the introduction meant.
ReplyDeleteI think it is really cool the way both of the girls from completely different backgrounds are able to carry on a modest conversation about a really heated up argument that has troubled the Middle East for years now.
ReplyDeleteI would rate this book a 8 out of 10 because the topic was very interesting and the way they write to each other without being too rude is really nice. Yet, the letters get a bit boring later on in the book.
ReplyDeleteI really like this book, it is interesting and makes a lot of people who are going through the same thing understand each other more.
ReplyDeleteif i had to rate this book i would rate it a 7
I do agree on what other people are saying about the intro. It did get a little boring becayse it was too long. But after i liked how the arthur set up the book in letter form. (:
ReplyDeleteThis book reminds me of my friend reem =] She also has a jewish friend and she gets along with her just great! I hope that Odelia and Amal starts thinking about their friendship and their ownsz life's to.
ReplyDeleteThis book at the beginning is so boring ... but know that i'm almost done is so interestint that you do't want to stop reading.. i like that even do sometimes Amal and Odelia don't agree with each other they don't start insulting each other... Both of them respect the way they think differently... they dont get mad at each other.. its weird becaue i don't like social studies because they talk about fights and wars, but this book got my attention and is about wars and fights.... I recommend this book to people that like social studies and that want to know more about the middle east..
ReplyDeleteyea like Yolani said it was very boring at thee beginnign but as i read on it became interesting.